Tuesday, June 8, 2010


i have much to report but unfortunately i haven't figured out how to use this thing via the ipad so I might have to use some other method besides blogger, which frankly, im open to..tumblr seems to be more my style (sorry blogger). so far this summer has been nice and ive been on a strict limeaid and hot dog diet combined with lots of bike riding. some plans for at least three photo projects in the works however, I need like a whole day to do them. i finally stopped obtaining polaroid cameras, i sold a lot of them anyway to pay for the ipad, which was fine, i think storing so much stuff like a squirrel in my room was/IS overbearing. can't purchase anything unnecessary for a while as I need funding to move. i didn't remember this decision though yesterday when i bought more polaroid film. shit. oh well. i should work.

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