Friday, September 3, 2010

the use of the F word has risen significantly

ughhhhhhhh I'm so tired and have been tired for weeks and I keep...going.... and the weekend hits and I can't seem to just calm down. Now unfortunately I'm also slightly homeless. I say slightly in the sense that I'm not entirely without places to stay, its just that I really hate imposing on friends and frankly monday thru thursday nights with the exception of wednesdays, I just want to be parents house is a wonderful place to stay, also comfortable and my cat is there, but its way too fucking far from Sudbury, I've made the commute up in three days and I just get so tired...waking up at 5:30 and coming back there at..8:00pm...and then going to sleep in like an hour and a half, its no way to live. I'm a little bit screwed. Also I had to pay a lot to fix my car from all the commuting so that sort of wiped out the security fund. Around here there's really just nothing, anyway, not even a room to crash in. I didn't really have these 'oh shit' kind of feelings but we have this huge storm coming today and it'd just be nice to be securely somewhere. I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going tonight. I am so sick of driving. :(

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