Wednesday, February 23, 2011

how now brown cow

Oh! well, I haven't been here in a while. I really just checked to see what the date was of the last black lodge and the krautrock night and then saw I hadn't posted in 5 months.
Up until this week really I've just been hibernating a lot..partially due to a heightened sensitivity to the cold weather and a pretty strong case of the blues.

But this week I send out my grad school application and I'm anticipating hearing back if the Trailside Museum wants to hire me! Finally I can get the fuck out of emergency care photo research. All in one week! I've been quite excited.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Maybe I'll get back to this sometime again with the fervor that I used to..last year was a great year for exploration of things, meeting new people, etc. This year is going to be a little more fixing of myself.


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