Tuesday, February 23, 2010


ps. I am reminded daily that my gender includes some of the most idiotic things i've ever heard. just saying.

the camera is going to be your best friend

lately, daily, I listen to karl bartos and I'm not quite ready to stop. kraftwerk with more pop but it's still his sound. plus one of the nicest voices ive ever heard. so while the rest of you girls can drool over that prick from twilight, I'll continue to have cartoon hearts and birds twirl around my head everytime I listen to this German genius.

Friday, February 19, 2010

someone's gotta make films based off this shit.

from the RI missed connections on craigslist, dated 1/24/10:


"I passed by you and our dogs stopped to wag tails at each other. Just as you smiled a seagull overhead dropped a load. You laughed and asked me if that was bad luck since it missed you. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just laughed. Would love to take you out sometime and show you how a real seagull treats a lady. Promise I won't miss. Let me know the color combo of my nylon tracksuit if you're interested."


Thursday, February 18, 2010

what's in the water?

robots to take care of the 150,000 landmines in the Baltic Sea for Russia.


a sock of fleagulls

continued from monday's bike ride, today is all about listening to a flock of seagulls and just working and looking at vintage spearguns. hoping to feel better today.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

is it gross, babe?

marc sent me a video of this irking girl with a botfly in her head. it was really funny, my favorite part being when her champ boyfriend has just pulled the maggot out of her head and she asks with a slight hint of fear in her voice "is it gross, babe?"


so, recently i saw a movie titled Until The Light Takes Us. While I wasn't overly blown away by the film and instead much more intrigued by the trailer, and this might have had something to do with the cops having to show up to the midnite showing at the coolidge and us all being kicked out temporarily, my ears did agree with a couple of the tunes played whilst during the film. there's certain melodies I just am extremely attracted to in loud, raw, intense music...but only very select.. and because today is just that kind of day, i've been listening to a couple songs by this early norweigan black metal band called burzum. if I can enjoy both irish chamber pop music as that of the divine comedy, and end the day with a song titled dunkelheit, I win.

some day I guess if I don't end up getting in trouble and having to delete this blog, I guess I'd look back on it and see what I was up to. I hope I appreciate the stuff I appreciate now as a 26 year old as when I'm 56 or dare I say 76.

but until then, i am about to fall asleep, and if I wake up at 1:30am and i'm on this stupid desk I am going to be so pissed.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

words that rhyme with 'radiation'

radiation-station (well sort of!)

Friday, February 12, 2010

if i was a kitten I'd be this kitten

yes, that would be my award for best household pet, why thank you.

and if i were a bird i'd start with today. jessica livingston seagull!

I'm going on a birding trip tomorrow with a bunch of people I don't know and the director of the museum. I'm looking forward to it as I'm eager to see where all the snowy owls hide out at the airport and see a long eared owl up close.

today I've watched some videos of parrots swearing.

um. hm. I guess that's it! i got semi-dressed up today for no reason. im sure by the end of the day i will look like I've been beat up in both eyes as i'm sure i'll rub my eyelids from the pain of staring at a computer screen all day and i will have forgotten i threw on this stuff called shoe polish, I mean war paint for girls, i mean mascara + black eyelid liner, and it will just go everywhere. so good idea, jesstard. in the end, who cares.

finally, ive decided to enlist a bit of help in converting my beautiful polaroid 110a to take 4x5. I could do it myself for the smaller pack film as I looked up how to do it and I have access to a dremel tool, but 4x5 im a little nervous about taking apart this thing and not having it work. its a little bit of money but it'll be surely worth it. i have idea for some 4x5 instant photos i'd like to take involving all the little figurines of presidents i have and 'gulliver's travels' kind of visuals. thought about it on the drive to work. always something to think about.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

expired toothpaste

I couldn't really think of a title for this one but at the moment I'm staring at a package of numerous small boxes of expired toothpaste given to me by a co-worker who's wife is a dentist. I doubt her patient's teeth get cleaned with expired toothpaste but whatevers.

So today I drove in to work looking at the clouds and trees and thought how much radder they look through an infrared filter. And then I remembered I got paid today. And that I don't have anymore infrared film after the last airplane photos got messed up. And that I should just get some.

As soon as this I get paid on ebay for selling an extra copy of super mario allstars, I'm buying A roll of some expensive film.

so impulsive.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Peter Scott Peters was also in a movie where they saved Hitler's brain.

ok so obviously today there is a reoccuring theme and I have found SO much in audio, video, and visual imagery of such a strange period known as events prior and leading up to the Cold War! I keep emailing myself numerous links to things so I don't forget them.

I'm listening to a song right now by Peter Scott Peters, called Fallout Shelter, and yet another 7" I would die to find. You know, if I was alive in 1962 and someone sang this to me I'd surely swoon. And while I'm thinking "romantically" here, I'd absolutely make out in a fallout shelter listening to this song. And you know what? It'd be amazing. Yeah, I said it. Plus, Mr. Peters was also in a film called "They Saved Hitler's Brain" which if you don't know what it's about, just look at the title, r-tard.


I'm not scared
I'm prepared
I'll be spared

I've got a fallout shelter, it's 9 by 9,
A Hi-Fi set and a jug of wine
Let the missiles fly from nation to nation
It's party time in my radiation station
A 14 day supply of multi-purpose food
Water, medicine, be sure to include
Build your bomb bungalow, you needn't postpone
With no down payment and an FHA loan

Let the tests go on in the atmosphere
In my fallout shelter, I'll have no fear
My baby and me, cozy we'll be
Away from radioactivity

Twenty megatons is the size of the boom,
And if they let it go, I'll feel no doom,
Let the cats run about, helter-skelter
I'm gonna live, live, live, in my fallout shelter

I'm not scared
I'm prepared
I'll be spared

Twenty megatons is the size of the boom,
And if they let it go, I'll feel no doom,
Let the cats run about, helter-skelter
I'm gonna live, live, live in my fallout shelter

So if you want to be full of confidence
Get survival jazz and civil defense
You'll live like a king in your fallout pad
Till all the clear sounds on CONELRAD
Dial six-four-o, twelve-four-0-, CONELRAD.

Leave De Atom Alone by Josephine Premice [1958]

Ever since the apple in the garden with Eve
Man always foolin' with things that cause him to grieve
He fool with the woman, with the Roman hot blood
And he almost washed up by the 40 day flood
But not since the doom day in old Babylon
Did he fool with anything so diabolical as the cyclotron
So if you wish to avoid the most uncomfortable trip to paradise
You will be scientific and take my advice

Leave de atom alone
Leave de atom alone
Don't get smart alexy with the galaxy
Leave atom alone

If you want to keep riding in Cadillac car
If you don't want to surely go to heaven prematurely on a shooting star
If it pleasures your heart to keep smoking that big fat cigar
Let me drive the point home
Leave de atom alone

If you want Mississippi to stay where it is
If you want to see Wall Street and General Motors continue in biz
If you want Uncle Sam to keep holding what's yours and what's his
If you're fond of kith and kin in their skin and bone
Don't fool around with hydrogen
Leave de atom alone

Bad for the teeth, bad for the bone
Don't fool with it, leave it alone

If you like Paris in the springtime (Paris in the springtime)
London in the fall (London in the fall)
Manhattan in the autumn (Manhattan in the autumn)
With music on the mall (with music on the mall)
Stop fooling with the fallout
Or puff the cosmic ball
Or soon you will be fissionable material

(Bad for the teeth, bad for the bone
Don't fool with it, leave it alone!)

Don't mess around you dopes
Lay off the isotopes

Don't you fuss with the nucleus
Don't go too far with the nuclear

Don't get gay with the cosmic ray
You'll burn your fingers, lose your hair
You'll leave big smog in the atmosphere

You're most exasperated
When radioactivated
And cannot be located on telephone

Go on back! (to rock and roll-a)
(To Rum and Coca Cola)
Go back to Eve, but leave de atom alone
(Bad for the teeth) That's right!, (bad for the bone) Uh Huh!
(Don't fool with it)

You'll spoil your complexion
Tie up the traffic
Jam up your plumbing
Lose your sweet disposition

(Don't fool with it)
Leave it alone

Monday, February 8, 2010


ps. I love when owls also look like teddy bears.
I really want to get trained on handling the sweet little barred.
more here

But you could be one of those that sort of go mental with a pen...

found a short video of when the skunk was in quarantine at the museum. he still is quite fat!

Monday, February 1, 2010

the somerville journal's somerville speakout is amazing, I am laughing so much right now at the readings by patrick bryant.