Friday, February 12, 2010

if i was a kitten I'd be this kitten

yes, that would be my award for best household pet, why thank you.

and if i were a bird i'd start with today. jessica livingston seagull!

I'm going on a birding trip tomorrow with a bunch of people I don't know and the director of the museum. I'm looking forward to it as I'm eager to see where all the snowy owls hide out at the airport and see a long eared owl up close.

today I've watched some videos of parrots swearing.

um. hm. I guess that's it! i got semi-dressed up today for no reason. im sure by the end of the day i will look like I've been beat up in both eyes as i'm sure i'll rub my eyelids from the pain of staring at a computer screen all day and i will have forgotten i threw on this stuff called shoe polish, I mean war paint for girls, i mean mascara + black eyelid liner, and it will just go everywhere. so good idea, jesstard. in the end, who cares.

finally, ive decided to enlist a bit of help in converting my beautiful polaroid 110a to take 4x5. I could do it myself for the smaller pack film as I looked up how to do it and I have access to a dremel tool, but 4x5 im a little nervous about taking apart this thing and not having it work. its a little bit of money but it'll be surely worth it. i have idea for some 4x5 instant photos i'd like to take involving all the little figurines of presidents i have and 'gulliver's travels' kind of visuals. thought about it on the drive to work. always something to think about.

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