Wednesday, February 17, 2010

is it gross, babe?

marc sent me a video of this irking girl with a botfly in her head. it was really funny, my favorite part being when her champ boyfriend has just pulled the maggot out of her head and she asks with a slight hint of fear in her voice "is it gross, babe?"


so, recently i saw a movie titled Until The Light Takes Us. While I wasn't overly blown away by the film and instead much more intrigued by the trailer, and this might have had something to do with the cops having to show up to the midnite showing at the coolidge and us all being kicked out temporarily, my ears did agree with a couple of the tunes played whilst during the film. there's certain melodies I just am extremely attracted to in loud, raw, intense music...but only very select.. and because today is just that kind of day, i've been listening to a couple songs by this early norweigan black metal band called burzum. if I can enjoy both irish chamber pop music as that of the divine comedy, and end the day with a song titled dunkelheit, I win.

some day I guess if I don't end up getting in trouble and having to delete this blog, I guess I'd look back on it and see what I was up to. I hope I appreciate the stuff I appreciate now as a 26 year old as when I'm 56 or dare I say 76.

but until then, i am about to fall asleep, and if I wake up at 1:30am and i'm on this stupid desk I am going to be so pissed.

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