Friday, January 22, 2010

fuck you, Bank of America.

so I get a call last night from my mom close to midnight.

"Hello, could I borrow some money from you?" she asks in a very sad tone.

Apparently the bank has shut off my parents' line of credit on their house. They decided that their house was worth now less than half of what it is by holding the original amount on the line of credit against the house, and well, took it away. Without warning, at all. She called yesterday to frantically inquire and they said 'well we sent you a letter on the 20th, but we also have the right to pull the line without warning, here's a form to fill out online if you believe it should be reinstated'

The 20th was two days ago.

I'm livid and pissed off at the bank, and I really think now that the government should have just let all these banks fail and fall to shit, because obviously bailing them out in the billions didn't do what it was supposed to.

And in other news!!!! My manager drove me home from work last night and dropped me off at the Andrew T stop on the redline. Everything was fine aside from the crazy family + insane man in my t-car...until we got to Harvard Square and they woudln't let anyone off or on the train due to a "police incident". For 20 minutes. It turns out someone was running around Harvard Square with a machete.

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