Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ever just thought about something you haven't thought about in like, uh, well, 5 years?
regardless. ive stunned myself.
i have a little political speech later that i was working on sort of post-election and i spent a lot of time reading the comments section on npr's page following the results. it may or may not get posted.
today i retreated lijke a hermit crab at work and after work and just sunk in my own thoughts which are endless. wandered around boston post voting. wished i had an ipod again because it would block out mindless conversation. i think im getting winter fever. tomorrow will be much like today i think. aaaaagh. shit. only tomorrow i hope to have more time to look at post-atomic-explosion sites and strange video clips...today involved a lot of work and a lot of stress. whatever, i should stop bitching. there's a lot of south park to be watched.

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