Monday, January 18, 2010

i never thought you'd be a junkie because heroin is so passe

so last night keanne and I went to a shoegaze-postpunk-goth/twin peaks themed evening at thee red fez in providence. she asked "What should I wear" and I said "uh, black?" and that was brilliant.

i wore a black dress with my 'the owls are not what they seem' twin peaks giant patch from an old tshirt and a black sweater and black chucks, i got compliments on the dress from this fellow in a fantastic suit named john i met who was spinning a lot of the shoegaze tunes in the beginning. I think this is also the john that ed mentions also adores twin peaks. so this was a very rad place to meet him. i drank a lot of cherry flavored drinks. keanne drinks alcohol super quick like a camel or something. anyway, it was nice to get out and be around a lot of people in a very visually intriguing bar. we admired all the taxidermy, i got to talk to ed and sarah for a while about birds of prey, ed's weirdo sister with the one arm, falconry, twin peaks, and the mighty boosh, it was rad. yes we danced. this was fun, a lot of intriguing people were there. ex from 2000 and ex from 2005 were there which was interesting.

I have at the moment a huge headache that's occured all day. My roommates cat is sitting on the batman blanket on my bed so I took some photos of her paws. This in turn made me miss mars to the extreme. I know mars has been keeping watch over my parents house, eyeing birds, and making my mom happy, but mars's real mother here in somerville has been feeling a little empty-hearted and a bit lonesome due to a lack of kittenage. shes my partner in crime. so, I really think I need to make some arrangements and have a chat with roommates about the inclusion of my little bunny here. she's already almost 7 years old and I feel like the last 2 years i havent seen her nearly enough. oh man this is actually really starting to bum me out. i feel like a bad cat mother but then again not having mars subjected to the living situations ive been in and instead had one comfortable place to be while I try and deal is a little more soothing to me. I think my next voicemail is just going to be mars...meowchirping or purring. that fucking cat means more to me than anything.

ANYWAY........what should I do when I get back my tax return money? It's going to be over $3000.00 - which is kind of cool. Here's what Im thinking:

NCO - fuck you, but this would get you off my back.
$1000.00 to current credit card bill, $800.00 of which was for car. yeah, this probably has to happen.
$3000.00 worth of polaroid film. HAHAHA! how ridiculous would this be? Oh I would do it.
a mamiya 7ii. like, $1000.00. But I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally shouldn't...but..but............BUT.

a vacation. hello aurora borealis in alaska, lets set the stage for some dreams.
or eastern europe and your magical, mysterious appeal.
or a very small town in Russia. this I'd love.
or 100 miles east of las vegas.
or floating down the mississippi in a swanboat.
or the dakotas (if they have raptor rehab centers)
or down south to take part in a civil war reinactment. I keep re-thinking about this again......
or to birmingham alabama and hang out at the bottletree.

and daydreaming interrupted! kate just said that joe's sister is obsessed with pauly from the jersey shore. cats my dogs.....

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