Thursday, January 28, 2010

there's a typewriter case on my bed.

one major perk about my occupation is that I have access to the internet all day. While this time and time again has proved more than a distraction, I could wizz through the day getting a lot of work done as long as I was listening to a This American Life podcast. I've missed it for the last couple months or so and to my dismay it had stopped downloading automaticallly in my itunes like 4 or 5 times so I'm missing some, but fortunately you can listen to all of them on their website.
I had all of season 1 and pt of season 2 on my computer before that died. But the last episode I watched was the John Smith one and woah did tears come out.
So while I have a bit of time to be awake I'm going to attack netflix and watch some more of season two. I hope Ira comes out to do the show in Massachusetts soon, he came out like 3 times last year and I missed it every time.

In other news, neti pots are a fucking dreamboat for the nose! I was just informed about this recently. I might go get my neti pot fix in before bed. It's so wonderful.

In other other news, it's almost the end of January!!! That means like, one more month and then I can start looking forward to the return of birds and some better weather. I haven't been exercising in over 3 weeks and its starting to make me feel like a big block of crap so today I lifted some exorcise in the living room. I do have some winter bike clothing now except for maybe a shirt (but i did have a shirt somewhere?) but regretfully its going to snow tomorrow. Regardless, I'm catsitting for Mars (!!!) and grizzelda in westport this weekend so Im going to bring my bike down and hopefully it won't snow and I'll get in a ride through westport and not die.

What else.

My dear friend Stu asked me online "Hey, can I ask you a personal question? Is buying condoms in bulk online kind of creepy? Its just cheaper that way." This made me laugh. Then he sent me a video of some Japanese game show with a Japanese guy who was pretending to be Louis Armstrong....who had a painted black face. And then said he ordered Japanese condoms, for "they weren't made with child labor and don't have lead in them." I asked if it was because of this guy on the Japanese game show and he said yes.

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