Thursday, April 29, 2010

4AD thursday

4AD. best label ever. i had no one else to listen to the cocteau twins either as a teenager, except for my cousin and his goth friends. and if i was still living in nebraska i might not be saying any of this stuff at all. gosh. its a wonder i came out ok.
we're posting videos. unfortunately mine keep disappearing, I do not understand!
oh well.
its sunny out today,unlike the last 3 days, i had a blues attack at the bar last night and worried a couple people which i was surprised i did----its the first time my disappearing had gone noticed! felt pretty cared about.
grieshaber yelled "SNAP OUT OF IT!" to me.
ah. blues never hurt anyone (that is not true).
at least i didn't pull a stunt like that adorable penguin from encounters at the end of the world. he REALLY lost his way.
better-ish today. sleepy. im supposed to drive a long way to go to umass tonight. i could use a shower, i was too lazy to take one this morning. and a nap. and to clean my room and maybe start....packing things in boxes....or burying them. I feel like that would be easier! like a bunch of time capsules.
if anyone wants a typewriter now would be a REALLY ideal time to ask me, because I read something on "hoarding" and I got scared. (though I forget, I'm confined to a small room with many many it definitely looks like crazypersonville in there)
oooh. ipad funding is almost complete. :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i really feel at the mercy lately of the weather. eeeesh. though today it looks like the sun....oh wait... nope..not here, it was here earlier.
my mom called me yesterday to say she was looking at a giiiiiiiiant rainbow in westport! she said the last time she saw one that big was the day I had moved back home in 2005. that rainbow was insane... i have a photo of it somewhere and I should find it.

memorial for the rabbits who drowned in the warwick mall flood tonight at thee fez! instantly will cheer up! until then I have to find some photos with "more bleeding". ffffffffffff.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

bunny cast

yeah, im just going to say it. its really nice not being the only one that appreciates 100 year old birds on perches, moreso, seeing one get excited about how fluffy and sad and ugly with a hint of cuteness baby turkey vultures look. little things like this. god they are birds never ever look good initially. loneliness again gets temporarily put on hold and back in its suitcase. i had a nice evening i just wish i could fix more things. and started to space out just now. just overtired. mogwai tunes on all day.
today im pretty tired and useless. in rhode island right now it seems like everyones getting pelted with hail and thunder and lightning. man, that little state has gotten such crazy weather the last few months! id like to go listen to the rain and...hammock.
ok thats all for now. tomorrow ill scan some more bird prints and maybe see if its possible to scan the glass negatives too...

Friday, April 16, 2010

I don't mean to brag...

but I keep obtaining more and more cameras for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE! and polaroid film! bwahahahaah!

so the latest good grab is as follows:

i was doing some spying on ebay for a polaroid id portraiture camera--one that would take 4 photos on a sheet. Or 2. Or 6. Sure enough I found one, and hidden in the description of this camera was that it included some film. A photo that accompanied showed a wealth of polaroid film - 600 and spectra... definitely expired but not horrifically expired. Had this been made aware of in the description it definitely would have been bid on.

Naturally, I used my paypal credit line and obtained this camera.
It showed up today at work.

To my disappointment however, I found no way to turn this on, and also saw that there was a section for a key. Digging through in research, I found that the only way to turn this camera on was by a key, which was not included in the box. I called the company i got it from and they didn't have the key and said "we'll just refund you, you can keep the camera." 3 minutes later I got refunded the amount of the camera plus the shipping in my paypal account. AND i get to keep the film for free.

So just now, I called someone from a laminex distributer in New York, who was extremely friendly, and inquired if I could get a key. I gave him my the serial number. Sure enough, there's a key that will work for this, that I am getting sent at no charge.


So once again, I got a free camera and will find way less space in my room to store it.

the end!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

whhhiiiiiissssssskkkkkkkkaaaaaaayyyyyy bunny!

It is a joy and a privledge to be in the company of an ex-Prof. named Whiskey Bunny. I can't wait.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

happy 20th twin peaks/smiling and sleeping at a rest stop

so the brattle is playing the pilot episode and the first 4 episodes of twin peaks i could do this for 20 bucks (2 different screenings..the 3rd and 4th episodes are playing at 9 or 9:30). however, I'm currently typing this sideways as I am so so so sleepy and staring at a computer all day certainly doesn't help, though listening to every instance that Gordon Cole appears in twin peaks certainly did.

Yesterday I took Russian panoramic photos of a new friend I've made. He is about a foot tall and has a big problem (or solution, if you'd like to look at it that way!) with whiskey. His name is Whiskey Bunny. Poor whiskey bunny. I saw him fall down a lot. I wish I could have gotten there earlier when Kevin was giving shots of gingerale to a little 8 year old kid that spent his birthday at the fez with whiskey bunny. Wow...imagine whiskey bunny being available to cater to kids birthday parties. Those kids would certainly have something to brag about on the bus.

Afterwards, I listened to more pretty tunes and laughed and watched someone glow in a car for a couple hours until the providence police told us to leave. At some point a gigantic van parked in the fez parking lot. maybe it had been there the whole time but when I saw it i kept staring at it. really. as soon as i get my car in my name, and as soon as the whole issue of driving daily gets resolved by whichever means end up happening, I really do want to get a windowless or heavily tinted van. call me a c hild molester, but I could definitely hole up in one of these and this would solve a lot of issues involving money. of course that would mean though that living with mars gets delayed even further. and.....ill be 27 and in a goddamn van. something is very wrong about that. who would love a girl that lives in a van? well....if it was an Astro van, that's a different story.

Oh, so to wrap up my evening, I got way too tired to drive so I ended up sleeping in my car at the rest stop on route 95 near 495. initially I parked and had my window down to feel the breeze but then realized I was definitely in a "female car" with a lot of big trucks around. granted though this is a giuant rest stop so I had one whole parking area to myself. climbed in the back to my trusty 1983 batman sleeping bag and pillow. I found an unopened bottle of raspberry lime poland springs seltzer so that ruled. and then i woke up to the sound of cars on the highway and the sun coming up. so thats where me and my tight pants are right now.

also last night saw meg elias. we are not related but its funny she has the same last name as i do! she is cute.

I'm going to a goth night on Friday. Maybe going to design an outfit with my feather collection.

Monday, April 5, 2010


haha, its silly that im posting this, but yeah, its 9:33 and I am still at work for I got my slide film in and was so excited that I had to scan it. And seeing as I no longer have a computer, and my scanner broke, work is the only option for me to do so, and after hours.

I am going to go have a drink and then go for a bike ride.

problems and solutions to a store window, filled with old polaroid cameras.

Hey. You know what? Never give up. And don't inquire about store "decorations" around christmas time.

So back in November '09 or so I decided on my break at work to go to the whole foods in Wayland to purchase soap and probably an overpriced lunch. Whole Foods drives me nuts but when I do go in there it makes me want to get creative and start cooking a lot, unlike when I go into Foodmaster where the thought is "What here is microwavable?" So I noticed there was a store called Photo Video Store a few stores over in the plaza and I decided to take a look at what I thought appeared to be things with lenses in the windows......I got closer...and closer...and then neurons burst for in three of the windows on each little shelf was a little antique camera!!!! One window was mostly 35mm's, another brownies, one shelf had the cutest TINY little yashica, maybe it was 6x6, but the window that grabbed my attention was the one filled with polaroid cameras. SX-70s, pack film cameras, a couple of the old kodak ones, some regular polaroids..... and then I looked in the store and saw even more way high up near the ceiling on a shelf.

Naturally, I thought "Fuck whole foods" and went inside this photo shoppe.

Inquiring about the cameras, I learned that they were from the original owner, who was in his 70s and came in very infrequently. He was an obsessive collector of old cameras and had way more in his own home. I mentioned I , uh, liked polaroids. A lot. Were any of them for sale? The man behind the counter said not technically but he'd ask the owner and for me to check back. I walked away very intrigued.

Two weeks from then I called the shoppe, again, inquiring about the cameras, could they take my name and number. Sure.... but this time a lady was like "I don't think he'll give those away." "I can pay for one". "I don't think he'll sell them." Ok.

I didn't hear back, so another week later I called and the owner actually was there. Someone asked for him that a lady was interested in buying a camera. The owner said yeah sure..$25.00 would be fine. Wow! I thought. Except that I didn't have $25.00 until the next time I got paid and was commuting to work via whatever money I could find. Then I got busy and just never ended up going to the shoppe.

Christmas time came around and I made the mistake of going there like....really close to Christmas. The old owner was there and NOT in a good mood. "Hi I'm the girl that was interested in the..." I was cut off. "NO WAY. Look lady, just..not now. Unless you have $10,000". "I don't".

So I was kind of bummed and figured that was that and i had a pile of cameras anyway but no sx-70. Then finally my dad found his old one and gave it to me. Then I obtained another one at a goodwill. Not the folding kind but the more modern one with the built-in focal distance. Then I tried some sx-70 film. And then this was amazing and I kept thinking about this store.

So today, Monday, April 5th, I had to go to the photo shoppe anyway to pick up some slide film that I had been waiting 3 weeks for. It was ready, and I thought I'd give it one more shot at obtaining one of these little gems.

Sure enough, the kind man behind the desk called the owner, who had decided he had so many cameras that he was going to bring in even more from his own personal collection and "give some away." I was then told "you can just take whatever sx-70s you want."

You can just take whatever sx-70s you want.


Yeah, sure. Just don't take the Polaroid Printer.


So yeah. My passenger seat of my car now has 5 sx-70s (I snagged all) + a polaroid 450 which I didn't get to look too close at but the lenses on these are supposed to be really nice. All of the cameras were quite dusty but so far I just tried one of the ones with a sonar and it works! Just a couple pieces on it are broken but nothing that impairs picture taking.

Also, my slide film looks really cool. I can't wait to scan the photos from Videodrome! I just want to run around outside! Things are suddenly just really really nice lately and I'm still quite surprised!

Also, I didn't eat breakfast or lunch today and the only thing I have right now is skippy chunky peanut butter. Rather than just grab a fork from upstairs, I used the next best thing to eat a bit of peanut butter with, which was the non-ink end of a fat sharpie marker. I win.