Thursday, April 8, 2010

happy 20th twin peaks/smiling and sleeping at a rest stop

so the brattle is playing the pilot episode and the first 4 episodes of twin peaks i could do this for 20 bucks (2 different screenings..the 3rd and 4th episodes are playing at 9 or 9:30). however, I'm currently typing this sideways as I am so so so sleepy and staring at a computer all day certainly doesn't help, though listening to every instance that Gordon Cole appears in twin peaks certainly did.

Yesterday I took Russian panoramic photos of a new friend I've made. He is about a foot tall and has a big problem (or solution, if you'd like to look at it that way!) with whiskey. His name is Whiskey Bunny. Poor whiskey bunny. I saw him fall down a lot. I wish I could have gotten there earlier when Kevin was giving shots of gingerale to a little 8 year old kid that spent his birthday at the fez with whiskey bunny. Wow...imagine whiskey bunny being available to cater to kids birthday parties. Those kids would certainly have something to brag about on the bus.

Afterwards, I listened to more pretty tunes and laughed and watched someone glow in a car for a couple hours until the providence police told us to leave. At some point a gigantic van parked in the fez parking lot. maybe it had been there the whole time but when I saw it i kept staring at it. really. as soon as i get my car in my name, and as soon as the whole issue of driving daily gets resolved by whichever means end up happening, I really do want to get a windowless or heavily tinted van. call me a c hild molester, but I could definitely hole up in one of these and this would solve a lot of issues involving money. of course that would mean though that living with mars gets delayed even further. and.....ill be 27 and in a goddamn van. something is very wrong about that. who would love a girl that lives in a van? well....if it was an Astro van, that's a different story.

Oh, so to wrap up my evening, I got way too tired to drive so I ended up sleeping in my car at the rest stop on route 95 near 495. initially I parked and had my window down to feel the breeze but then realized I was definitely in a "female car" with a lot of big trucks around. granted though this is a giuant rest stop so I had one whole parking area to myself. climbed in the back to my trusty 1983 batman sleeping bag and pillow. I found an unopened bottle of raspberry lime poland springs seltzer so that ruled. and then i woke up to the sound of cars on the highway and the sun coming up. so thats where me and my tight pants are right now.

also last night saw meg elias. we are not related but its funny she has the same last name as i do! she is cute.

I'm going to a goth night on Friday. Maybe going to design an outfit with my feather collection.

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