Wednesday, December 30, 2009

patrick mcgoohan
vintage postcards of animals playing musical instruments
food under $2.00
sleeping with clothes on
wishing it wasn't so cold out
riding a bike down the hill but its too cold...
winter raptor trip
a lot........lot..........of thinking.

oop..there goes the eye..time to sleep.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"baby you could be famous" -magnetic fields

I've never laughed at extreme injuries to the scrotum more than in the last 20 minutes. Today got a lot less shitty.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


today ruled.. like, an entire day which I liked..and I have to wake up in 4 hours so sleeping should probably occur. the "o" key here is being shitty so I have to really stomp at it.

in a nutshell, i got up early, drove to Rhode Island, i saw a bfffffff, maggie today and we met at starbucks in seekonk. i met her boyfriend who is really great. i miss her dearly and we always have so much to catch up on and never enough time. planning on visiting in spring in california.

then I got what was the BEST purchase ever.
31 packs, of polaroid film from a guy who had the word "pimp" in his email, who lives right next to the porn shoppe and shitty 2.50 movie cinema in pawtucket. his neighbor sold me the film in his absence.
O.M.G.... how fucking hard it was to remain calm and not freak out. I freaked out in my car tho. aaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!! I just wanna take photos!!
I called two people who definitely appreciated this and chatted for a bit. that was great!

then I did what I really like doing and just bummed around providence... tried on sneakers, hats, jeans, and bought NOTHING!

then I went and hung out with my cousin + realized I forgot his x-mas present in a bag that I left at my apartment. whatever, he'll get it soon... his apartment is really nice and is like, a presidential hotel suite compared to the last place we + ricky lived in in providence...oh man..... that was unreal. it was nice! i ate a snack and we laughed at stupid stuff.

then xina called for some food and hanging out with her + jef + chris. while I waited for them to pick me up (the 2nd time in a long while of being a passenger! I love getting driven!) I went in angel street curiosities to poke around. this is one of my favorite antique stores.... and one reason is because they are open late. why? because the shoppe owner who is super super friendly, always plays these great games of Magic the gathering with a bunch of people, and his friendly dog hangs out in the doorway. he stays open so late sometimes!! I came really close to getting the sx-70 but instead got the COOOOOLEST vintage microscope and equipment in this little cabinet. which is funny, because cousin Dave's christmas a microscope. oh is it rad. Did I need it? No. Am I eating tuna fish out a can this week for dinner for the week until thursday? Yes. but so fucking what. my friends picked me up and then we went to some polynesian/chinese/asian place - it was good, the lights abve were this real sickly color green, we took funny pictures, and then went to some bar that I hadn't been to, and more fun was had. chris's mom and grandma were there, so that was really funny. then i left and drove up to boston and sang servotron songs in the car alng with a cd till my throat hurt, and somehow, I missed a lot of turns going to my apartment so it took forever. and now here I am and its 2:32.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

just had the biggest argument with myself

and I both won and lost, BIG TIME.

nothing really else happened today, I nearly got super defecated on by the museum kestrel, played a large amount of nintendo lately and realized that if I didn't have a job, I'd be living in my parents house playing nintendo daily and being a huge disappointment. Or, if I continued to live in Nebraska...uh.... nah, I probably would be in a cult. besides that, I've been extremely lazy. where the f is keanne when I need her...

I get to see mk tomorrow morning! this I am happy about. I only see her maybe twice a year. and go to providence for some hanging outs too. this is good, as I guess it's healthy to get out.

eh.. this is going for a bike ride..

Thursday, December 24, 2009


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Monday, December 21, 2009

christmas wish list

1. a polaroid 110A converted to take FUJI 4x5 with the fuji instant back.
2. a polaroid 600 SE. Or, my mamiya universal press with polaroid film attachment back. Someone has it..grr.
3. An endless supply of 600 film.
4. Some more spectra film
5. The "silk" pack film that looks soooooo fucking dreamy. swoon.
6. A mamiya 7ii (or I'll be happy with a mamiya 7 as long as its not that champagne color).
7. slowdive on vinyl.
8. a pack of achewood Roast Beef pins.
9. limeaid.
10. feathers
11. 25.00 to get a sx-70 down the street
12. new chucks!
13. an older brother


Frame France

lets see.

- what is it with people bringing babies to work?
- the double-vision today is maddening
- the eye injury photos are maddening
- women are stupid.
- yes, I do need better winter shoes that aren't converse or the wallabees, but do not recommend uggs to me, people. Do I look like I wear uggs?! GEEZ.
- i still have a headache.
+ yesterday I was actually a passenger in a car for no more than 4 minutes and I loved it.
- why the F is polapremium charging $10.00 for shipping ONE pack of film, from massachusetts no less?! oiiiii. I already choose to buy polaroid film over basically anything, and they're making it tuff! guess this means I need to order a lot of film. even though I have plenty. I am a polaroid squirrel.
- or chinchilla
- i crave riding a bicycle at super fast speeds right now.

ok, bitching done. next:

Today I'm just going to do a music review:

+/- (Plus/Minus): Self-Titled Long-Playing Debut Album

ok, so this is a REALLY good band and album. So it's sometime in 2002 and I'm driving somewhere, and I turn on Roger Williams radio in saab #1, and this stunning...STUNNING music plays. the lyrics are this sad voice singing in what sounds like an empty airport terminal with one electric guitar and an amp... "please don't hang me out to dry.........I could be superhero material...secret identity is optional..." It's almost like one entire song. It lasts about 32 minutes, and then repeats itself. Over, and over, and over. A dJ never comes on, commercials never happen, the radio just plays this all day and night. The next day, it's still playing, on repeat. I get in touch with my friend Trevor, the coolest 15 year old I've ever met and in my mind, is still 15, although I think now he's like 22 or something, and making pies somewhere in Vermont, I miss him. Anyway, and he's been listening to the same thing! and we have no idea who this band is... we try calling the radio station but to no avail, no one's there. google searching didn't come up with much. at the time I'm living in rehoboth and still in high school, and the radio in my room didn't pick up roger williams radio that well... so the only way I could listen to this was via my car, which I drove in for hours just to listen to this music and I'm really blown away and psyched that once again, college radio has introduced me to more amazing music I've never heard before but pissed that I don't know what the fuck it is.

A year later or so for my birthday, or maybe Christmas, Trevor gives me a cd, and it's the album we heard on the station and couldn't figure it out, and it's still amazing. my favorites are Queen of Detroit, Setting Your Hair on Fire, The Industrial Revolution, and the original song I heard, The Separation of Church and State. Just a really good mix of electronic beats and strange guitars but just perfect in the 32 minutes of this album. Sure enough one of the guys in this band is also in Versus which is another favorite of mine from the 90s. Man. So good. I like it when I get blown away by an entire album. If this was in the olympics it would surely get a 10 from me.

Ok, that's my review.

I'm also listening to The Stars Are Insane by Versus, which I had owned before, and it's really good. They were also one I picked up by listening to WRIU radio.

I haven't really listened to much college radio these days and that's kind of a bummer.....I'm going to peruse the online radio stations and see if I can find something good to get me through today.

What else.
Yesterday being snowed in was fun. I played with figurines of presidents and with Wren Jeremy, my newest dead stuffed bird. He's quite handsome. I put more holes in my walls and played with hammers, nails, glue, paint, and worked on my parents' x-mas presents. I called Keanne but she didn't pick up...oh that reminds me we're going to some weird thing in Brookline on Wednesday, something about running around an old, unused high school, wearing masks, and one room has taxidermy, and people do things.. I'm being very vague about this because I'm not really sure what it is, but it's her birthday present to me! which is nice.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

you like diggin' holes in water and, we know that can't be done..

brain on overdrive right now. i think the snow has seeped into my blood stream and im definitely chilly. i could really use to talk to someone at the moment but instead I'll just play this song on repeat.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

well, I still can't go in my room for fear of dying by....caulk.......i Know, I KNOW. but its just still strong in there, and I had the window open a bit but that window didn't have a screen on it and not only now is my room FREEZING but it snowed a bit in there. Indoor snow! Thank god not near the record player.

oooooooooooooh speaking of record I cannot WAIT to get my super fantastic ULTRA FUCKING RARE record I finally have. It'll get its own post, it's own surprise.

it's amazing that I am on a computer post the 50-60 hours I'm on a computer for work. bleah. whatever, this will get replaced by a bicycle once the snow goes away.

i did get some exercise in today which is good.

uhhhhhhhhhh hmm.
OH I know. polapremium. I love you, I do I do. That pack film "silk" kind looks, dare I say, sexy.

well, Im gonna go on npr's website and read now. I haven't listened to much of it at all in weeks due to a number of reeeeeeally good music acquirings and just listening to mix cds in my car vs. sad news. But I still like to keep up.

eh. im not saying anything useful or have any great websites to share. f.

Friday, December 18, 2009

you are scheduled for your death on december 25th!

eye injury photos that made me feel literally sick and I had to stop which led to watching/listening to videos of triumph the insult comic dog which led to looking at photos of kittens available for adoption which led to blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

oh! I really think I'm just as far from my gender as possible and yesterday was another reason. yesterday while going to le holiday party, i followed a bunch of ladies who could not for the life of them open up the door to this place. Being a real gentleman, I pull on the door and it opens. Maybe I'm missing an ovary or something.

im going to a yankee swap tonight that I think is going to be extremely fun, even though I don't have anything yet for it.

Also for the first time in a year I was in the instant soup aisle at the grocery store at noon today and I felt suddenly, weirdly blue in that...j'ai une aime solitaire way. (a tv show told me this means "I am a lonely soul" in french but I don't think the translation is that accurate.)

outz of here!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'm taking work off tomorrow for my birdthday! You all can SHOVE IT!

though, I'm still at work, now. But leaving in a minute.
I got some fantastique new music today thanks to my dear coworkers getting me an itunes card. A couple of these I had before but lost during the computer death, and a few are totally new and I really love, and then I got season 3 of ricky gervais because.....well..... I need to own...everything....and I don't have season 3 anymore.

I'd post what else i got here but I made a mix cd which I can actually listen to.

Im going to CT tomorrow for exploring, for the Peabody musem to have a chat, MAYBE will sneak to NY to meet up with xina but I don't think that will happen in the small time I have, maybe will shoot fireworks 100 feet from marc's bikeshop, and I've got some polaroids to fucking take. Yeah! and I have travis's eskimo (or "inuit") hat so my ears won't be cold. Points for me.

And tonite Im finally getting to my parents and check on pop + give mom her present and kiss my cat to bits, the little marso mars mars marssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

People havce asked me if I am going to "get trashed" tomorrow and I say no. I don't get the point. though I have no plans in the evening but id really like to just watch a movie with anyone who doesn't have a crying problem...

aaagh. Ok. ok. ok. ok.
We've made it half way through december and so far aside from being a little sick this is the first december I don't want to kill myself.
Now i've jinxed myself.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo to the no ones who read this

Monday, December 14, 2009


Today is my mom's 59th birthday! Of course I called her as I was still in bed to remind her that it was her birthday and that I loved her. She was sleepily thrilled. She does not know this but I am driving to Westport after work to give her a super rad present and also so I can use her washer and dryer.

I know everyone loves their mom (or should) but I just wanted to write a few things off the top of my head that makes Jennie really special and for anyone who knows her, you'd probably agree.

1. She's happy, 99% of the time, and always has a cheerful voice, even when she's really not, so it's always refreshing to talk to her.
2. I think my oddball sense of humor comes from her....well, a little bit. We both find the same things funny. Like calling quadriplegics "potato people". I'm a bit more inappropriate but that makes sense.
3. She doodles on everything and is one of the most disorganized people I've ever met and her attempts at organization are brave though, and I respect that, because I have the same problem...the times I lived at home we both would misplace our keys and glasses at the same time and my dad would have to find both.
4. Her mother's new phrase is "You're Stupid.", which is now my mother's, which gets into my vocabulary when talking to my mom.
5. She has been an extreeeeeeeeeemely good cat mother to Mars which I can't thank enough for. Occassionally I get voicemail messages that is just the sound of Mars and my mom trying to get her to meowchirp. Mars's meows are more like meowchirps.
6. We both have an addiction to mariage frére french tea, chocolate ice cream, cute kittens, and antiques.
7. We're going to collaborate on an art project.
8. She made a kick-ass scare-crow this year for the town's grocery store.
9. She has 100000% perfect credit. Like, unbelievably good. This makes me look very, very bad. and my friends love her because she gives great financial and life advice.
10. My dad thought she was a catch.

So there you go. Rock on Mom.

In other news:
I should NOT go on ebay. I have bid on something I've been looking for since 1999 and won. It's completely amazing that I won this but I may have to sell something first and REALLY fast to pay for it. Also, I should try and forget that you can get just unbelievably good photos from view cameras and that I thoroughly enjoy using them and that fuji makes instant 4x5 film which all I'd need is the fuji polaroid back for and then I could have fun with instant prints..................shite.

I have to get my license renewed today and have not decided which shirt to wear... either a cape, or the "total gaylord" one...(I don't think the total gaylord one will actually show.)

My dad gets a hole put in his arm today to deal with an iv for the next 21 days.

I'm definitely hungry.

The national counterterrorism center is not returning my emails.

My foot keeps falling asleep.

People who are not cat-people have some serious fucking issues.

Friday, December 11, 2009

lecture i wasn't missing: Satan and Santa

From the Morbid Anatomy site:

"Few Americans know that Santa descends from the mock king who held court at Saturnalia, the Roman festival celebrating the winter solstice. Or that he shares cultural DNA with the Lord of Misrule who presided over the yuletide Feast of Fools in the Middle Ages - lewd, blasphemous revels that gave vent to underclass hostility towards feudal lords and the all-powerful church.

By the late 19th century, Christmas in Manhattan was an excuse for the rabble to go wilding from door to door in upper-class neighborhoods, demanding booze and cash from terrified householders in exchange for an off-key (and sometimes off-color) yuletide song. In desparation, Washington Irving, Clement Clarke Moore, and other members of New York's cultural elite invented Santa Claus - and Christmas as we know it - as a means of domesticating the drunken revels of the dangerous classes. Their bourgeois myth was designed to channel lumpen unrest into a more acceptable outlet: a domestic ritual consecrated to home, hearth, and conspicuous consumption.

In Satan and Santa: Separated at Birth?, Mark Dery, a cultural critic and book author, takes a look at the Jolly Old Elf's little-known role as poster boy for officially sanctioned eruptions of social chaos, as well as his current status as a flashpoint in "the Christmas Wars" - cultural battles between evangelicals, atheists, conservatives, and anit-consumerists over the "true" meaning of Christmas. Along the way, Dery considers New Age theories that Santa is a repressed memory of an ancient Celtic cult revolving around red-capped psychedelic mushrooms; Nazi attempts to re-imagine Christmas - a holiday consecrated to a Jewish baby, for Christ's sake - as a pre-Christian invention of tree-worshipping German tribes, in some misty, Wagnerian past; and the suspicious similarities between Satan and Santa, connections that have fueled a cottage industry of conspiracy theories on the religious right."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Kraftwerk might be the only thing to get me through this day. Everytime I hear them I imagine that this is what all German people sound like. Wouldn't that be something!

Ok. December 2nd. Just 29 more days to get through this stupid month.