Friday, December 18, 2009

you are scheduled for your death on december 25th!

eye injury photos that made me feel literally sick and I had to stop which led to watching/listening to videos of triumph the insult comic dog which led to looking at photos of kittens available for adoption which led to blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

oh! I really think I'm just as far from my gender as possible and yesterday was another reason. yesterday while going to le holiday party, i followed a bunch of ladies who could not for the life of them open up the door to this place. Being a real gentleman, I pull on the door and it opens. Maybe I'm missing an ovary or something.

im going to a yankee swap tonight that I think is going to be extremely fun, even though I don't have anything yet for it.

Also for the first time in a year I was in the instant soup aisle at the grocery store at noon today and I felt suddenly, weirdly blue in that...j'ai une aime solitaire way. (a tv show told me this means "I am a lonely soul" in french but I don't think the translation is that accurate.)

outz of here!

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