Saturday, December 19, 2009

well, I still can't go in my room for fear of dying by....caulk.......i Know, I KNOW. but its just still strong in there, and I had the window open a bit but that window didn't have a screen on it and not only now is my room FREEZING but it snowed a bit in there. Indoor snow! Thank god not near the record player.

oooooooooooooh speaking of record I cannot WAIT to get my super fantastic ULTRA FUCKING RARE record I finally have. It'll get its own post, it's own surprise.

it's amazing that I am on a computer post the 50-60 hours I'm on a computer for work. bleah. whatever, this will get replaced by a bicycle once the snow goes away.

i did get some exercise in today which is good.

uhhhhhhhhhh hmm.
OH I know. polapremium. I love you, I do I do. That pack film "silk" kind looks, dare I say, sexy.

well, Im gonna go on npr's website and read now. I haven't listened to much of it at all in weeks due to a number of reeeeeeally good music acquirings and just listening to mix cds in my car vs. sad news. But I still like to keep up.

eh. im not saying anything useful or have any great websites to share. f.

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