Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'm taking work off tomorrow for my birdthday! You all can SHOVE IT!

though, I'm still at work, now. But leaving in a minute.
I got some fantastique new music today thanks to my dear coworkers getting me an itunes card. A couple of these I had before but lost during the computer death, and a few are totally new and I really love, and then I got season 3 of ricky gervais because.....well..... I need to own...everything....and I don't have season 3 anymore.

I'd post what else i got here but I made a mix cd which I can actually listen to.

Im going to CT tomorrow for exploring, for the Peabody musem to have a chat, MAYBE will sneak to NY to meet up with xina but I don't think that will happen in the small time I have, maybe will shoot fireworks 100 feet from marc's bikeshop, and I've got some polaroids to fucking take. Yeah! and I have travis's eskimo (or "inuit") hat so my ears won't be cold. Points for me.

And tonite Im finally getting to my parents and check on pop + give mom her present and kiss my cat to bits, the little marso mars mars marssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

People havce asked me if I am going to "get trashed" tomorrow and I say no. I don't get the point. though I have no plans in the evening but id really like to just watch a movie with anyone who doesn't have a crying problem...

aaagh. Ok. ok. ok. ok.
We've made it half way through december and so far aside from being a little sick this is the first december I don't want to kill myself.
Now i've jinxed myself.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo to the no ones who read this

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