Monday, December 21, 2009

Frame France

lets see.

- what is it with people bringing babies to work?
- the double-vision today is maddening
- the eye injury photos are maddening
- women are stupid.
- yes, I do need better winter shoes that aren't converse or the wallabees, but do not recommend uggs to me, people. Do I look like I wear uggs?! GEEZ.
- i still have a headache.
+ yesterday I was actually a passenger in a car for no more than 4 minutes and I loved it.
- why the F is polapremium charging $10.00 for shipping ONE pack of film, from massachusetts no less?! oiiiii. I already choose to buy polaroid film over basically anything, and they're making it tuff! guess this means I need to order a lot of film. even though I have plenty. I am a polaroid squirrel.
- or chinchilla
- i crave riding a bicycle at super fast speeds right now.

ok, bitching done. next:

Today I'm just going to do a music review:

+/- (Plus/Minus): Self-Titled Long-Playing Debut Album

ok, so this is a REALLY good band and album. So it's sometime in 2002 and I'm driving somewhere, and I turn on Roger Williams radio in saab #1, and this stunning...STUNNING music plays. the lyrics are this sad voice singing in what sounds like an empty airport terminal with one electric guitar and an amp... "please don't hang me out to dry.........I could be superhero material...secret identity is optional..." It's almost like one entire song. It lasts about 32 minutes, and then repeats itself. Over, and over, and over. A dJ never comes on, commercials never happen, the radio just plays this all day and night. The next day, it's still playing, on repeat. I get in touch with my friend Trevor, the coolest 15 year old I've ever met and in my mind, is still 15, although I think now he's like 22 or something, and making pies somewhere in Vermont, I miss him. Anyway, and he's been listening to the same thing! and we have no idea who this band is... we try calling the radio station but to no avail, no one's there. google searching didn't come up with much. at the time I'm living in rehoboth and still in high school, and the radio in my room didn't pick up roger williams radio that well... so the only way I could listen to this was via my car, which I drove in for hours just to listen to this music and I'm really blown away and psyched that once again, college radio has introduced me to more amazing music I've never heard before but pissed that I don't know what the fuck it is.

A year later or so for my birthday, or maybe Christmas, Trevor gives me a cd, and it's the album we heard on the station and couldn't figure it out, and it's still amazing. my favorites are Queen of Detroit, Setting Your Hair on Fire, The Industrial Revolution, and the original song I heard, The Separation of Church and State. Just a really good mix of electronic beats and strange guitars but just perfect in the 32 minutes of this album. Sure enough one of the guys in this band is also in Versus which is another favorite of mine from the 90s. Man. So good. I like it when I get blown away by an entire album. If this was in the olympics it would surely get a 10 from me.

Ok, that's my review.

I'm also listening to The Stars Are Insane by Versus, which I had owned before, and it's really good. They were also one I picked up by listening to WRIU radio.

I haven't really listened to much college radio these days and that's kind of a bummer.....I'm going to peruse the online radio stations and see if I can find something good to get me through today.

What else.
Yesterday being snowed in was fun. I played with figurines of presidents and with Wren Jeremy, my newest dead stuffed bird. He's quite handsome. I put more holes in my walls and played with hammers, nails, glue, paint, and worked on my parents' x-mas presents. I called Keanne but she didn't pick up...oh that reminds me we're going to some weird thing in Brookline on Wednesday, something about running around an old, unused high school, wearing masks, and one room has taxidermy, and people do things.. I'm being very vague about this because I'm not really sure what it is, but it's her birthday present to me! which is nice.

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