Monday, December 14, 2009


Today is my mom's 59th birthday! Of course I called her as I was still in bed to remind her that it was her birthday and that I loved her. She was sleepily thrilled. She does not know this but I am driving to Westport after work to give her a super rad present and also so I can use her washer and dryer.

I know everyone loves their mom (or should) but I just wanted to write a few things off the top of my head that makes Jennie really special and for anyone who knows her, you'd probably agree.

1. She's happy, 99% of the time, and always has a cheerful voice, even when she's really not, so it's always refreshing to talk to her.
2. I think my oddball sense of humor comes from her....well, a little bit. We both find the same things funny. Like calling quadriplegics "potato people". I'm a bit more inappropriate but that makes sense.
3. She doodles on everything and is one of the most disorganized people I've ever met and her attempts at organization are brave though, and I respect that, because I have the same problem...the times I lived at home we both would misplace our keys and glasses at the same time and my dad would have to find both.
4. Her mother's new phrase is "You're Stupid.", which is now my mother's, which gets into my vocabulary when talking to my mom.
5. She has been an extreeeeeeeeeemely good cat mother to Mars which I can't thank enough for. Occassionally I get voicemail messages that is just the sound of Mars and my mom trying to get her to meowchirp. Mars's meows are more like meowchirps.
6. We both have an addiction to mariage frére french tea, chocolate ice cream, cute kittens, and antiques.
7. We're going to collaborate on an art project.
8. She made a kick-ass scare-crow this year for the town's grocery store.
9. She has 100000% perfect credit. Like, unbelievably good. This makes me look very, very bad. and my friends love her because she gives great financial and life advice.
10. My dad thought she was a catch.

So there you go. Rock on Mom.

In other news:
I should NOT go on ebay. I have bid on something I've been looking for since 1999 and won. It's completely amazing that I won this but I may have to sell something first and REALLY fast to pay for it. Also, I should try and forget that you can get just unbelievably good photos from view cameras and that I thoroughly enjoy using them and that fuji makes instant 4x5 film which all I'd need is the fuji polaroid back for and then I could have fun with instant prints..................shite.

I have to get my license renewed today and have not decided which shirt to wear... either a cape, or the "total gaylord" one...(I don't think the total gaylord one will actually show.)

My dad gets a hole put in his arm today to deal with an iv for the next 21 days.

I'm definitely hungry.

The national counterterrorism center is not returning my emails.

My foot keeps falling asleep.

People who are not cat-people have some serious fucking issues.

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