Sunday, December 27, 2009


today ruled.. like, an entire day which I liked..and I have to wake up in 4 hours so sleeping should probably occur. the "o" key here is being shitty so I have to really stomp at it.

in a nutshell, i got up early, drove to Rhode Island, i saw a bfffffff, maggie today and we met at starbucks in seekonk. i met her boyfriend who is really great. i miss her dearly and we always have so much to catch up on and never enough time. planning on visiting in spring in california.

then I got what was the BEST purchase ever.
31 packs, of polaroid film from a guy who had the word "pimp" in his email, who lives right next to the porn shoppe and shitty 2.50 movie cinema in pawtucket. his neighbor sold me the film in his absence.
O.M.G.... how fucking hard it was to remain calm and not freak out. I freaked out in my car tho. aaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!! I just wanna take photos!!
I called two people who definitely appreciated this and chatted for a bit. that was great!

then I did what I really like doing and just bummed around providence... tried on sneakers, hats, jeans, and bought NOTHING!

then I went and hung out with my cousin + realized I forgot his x-mas present in a bag that I left at my apartment. whatever, he'll get it soon... his apartment is really nice and is like, a presidential hotel suite compared to the last place we + ricky lived in in providence...oh man..... that was unreal. it was nice! i ate a snack and we laughed at stupid stuff.

then xina called for some food and hanging out with her + jef + chris. while I waited for them to pick me up (the 2nd time in a long while of being a passenger! I love getting driven!) I went in angel street curiosities to poke around. this is one of my favorite antique stores.... and one reason is because they are open late. why? because the shoppe owner who is super super friendly, always plays these great games of Magic the gathering with a bunch of people, and his friendly dog hangs out in the doorway. he stays open so late sometimes!! I came really close to getting the sx-70 but instead got the COOOOOLEST vintage microscope and equipment in this little cabinet. which is funny, because cousin Dave's christmas a microscope. oh is it rad. Did I need it? No. Am I eating tuna fish out a can this week for dinner for the week until thursday? Yes. but so fucking what. my friends picked me up and then we went to some polynesian/chinese/asian place - it was good, the lights abve were this real sickly color green, we took funny pictures, and then went to some bar that I hadn't been to, and more fun was had. chris's mom and grandma were there, so that was really funny. then i left and drove up to boston and sang servotron songs in the car alng with a cd till my throat hurt, and somehow, I missed a lot of turns going to my apartment so it took forever. and now here I am and its 2:32.


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